Create resume - The basics for a successful application


A resume is often the first impression an employer gets of you, and can be the deciding factor in whether or not you are invited for an interview. In this comprehensive blog article, we will focus on creating an engaging and professional resume. We will discuss the most important aspects of a compelling resume, choosing the right keywords, outlining experience and qualifications, and avoiding common mistakes. 

This article is divided into three parts: Part 1 covers the basics of resume writing, Part 2 goes over the different resume formats, and Part 3 provides tips on how to optimize your resume for a higher success rate.

The basics of resume creation

1. personal information and contact details

The first section of your resume should contain your personal information and contact details. This includes your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Make sure your email address sounds professional and does not come across as too informal or inappropriate. Avoid using information such as date of birth, marital status, or religion, as these are no longer required or even undesirable in many countries.

2. job title and profile

Add a short, concise job title directly below your contact information that describes your current position or intended career, such as "marketing manager" or "software developer." Below that should be a brief profile that summarizes your professional strengths, experience and goals. This profile should be about three to four sentences long and tailored to the needs of the company or position for which you are applying.

3. professional experience

The body of your resume should include your professional experience. List your most recent jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with your current or most recent position. For each job, you should include the name of the company, the city in which you worked, your position, and the length of your employment. Next, describe your main duties, responsibilities, and accomplishments at each position in bullet points. Use strong verbs and quantifiable achievements to illustrate your accomplishments, such as "increased sales by 20% in one year" or "reduced production costs by 15% through process optimization."

4. training and qualifications

In this section of your resume, list your academic degrees and professional qualifications. As with professional experience, you should list your education in reverse chronological order, beginning with the highest degree. Include the name of the educational institution, degree, subject, and graduation date. Also include relevant professional qualifications, certificates, or training relevant to the position you are seeking.

5. skills and competences

In this section, you can highlight your specific skills and competencies that are relevant to the job. This includes both hard skills, such as technical knowledge or language skills, and soft skills, such as communication or leadership skills. Try to support your skills with concrete examples or experiences to increase your credibility.

6. awards and achievements

If you have awards or special achievements that are relevant to the position you are seeking, you can list them in a separate section. These may include industry awards, academic prizes, or outstanding project successes. Make sure that the awards and achievements listed actually add value to your application and are not just for self-promotion.

Resume formats and styles

1. chronological curriculum vitae

The chronological resume is the most commonly used format and lists your professional experience and education in reversechronological order. This format is particularly suitable for applicants with a clear career path and continuous experience in their field.

2. functional resume

The functional resume focuses on your skills and competencies, rather than your chronological work experience. This format is ideal for applicants who are looking for a career change, have gaps in their resume, or want to highlight their specific skills.

3. combined resume

The combined resume combines elements of the chronological and functional formats by highlighting both your skills and work experience. This format can be useful for applicants who want to emphasize both their professional experience and their specific skills.

Optimizing your resume for a higher success rate

Keywords and phrases

To optimize your resume for search engines and applicant tracking systems (ATS), include relevant keywords and phrases from the job description in your resume. Make sure the use of these keywords is natural and in the context of your experience and skills.

Adjustment to the place

Tailor your resume to the specific job and company you are applying for. Show how your experience, skills, and goals match the requirements of the position and the company culture. A customized application shows that you have taken the time to thoroughly research the position and company, and increases your chances of being invited to interview.

Clarity and readability

Make sure your resume is clearly structured, well-formatted, and easy to read. Use a clear font, sufficiently large font size and enough space between lines. Avoid long paragraphs and use bullet points instead to clearly present your experience and skills.

Proofreading and feedback

Have friends, family or colleagues proofread your resume to identify and correct typos, grammatical errors or ambiguities. A second opinion can also help identify areas in your resume that can be improved or shortened.

More tips

To further enhance your application package, you may also consider the following steps:

Portfolio or samples of work

To optimize your resume for search engines and applicant tracking systems (ATS), include relevant keywords and phrases from the job description in your resume. Make sure the use of these keywords is natural and in the context of your experience and skills.

Use of a professional online profile

Tailor your resume to the specific job and company you are applying for. Show how your experience, skills, and goals match the requirements of the position and the company culture. A customized application shows that you have taken the time to thoroughly research the position and company, and increases your chances of being invited to interview.

Active networking

https://gem-3910432.netAchten Sie darauf, dass Ihr Lebenslauf klar strukturiert, gut formatiert und leicht lesbar ist. Verwenden Sie eine übersichtliche Schriftart, ausreichend große Schriftgröße und genügend Abstand zwischen den Zeilen. Vermeiden Sie lange Absätze und verwenden Sie stattdessen Aufzählungszeichen, um Ihre Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten übersichtlich darzustellen.

Continuing education and certifications

Have friends, family or colleagues proofread your resume to identify and correct typos, grammatical errors or ambiguities. A second opinion can also help identify areas in your resume that can be improved or shortened.

  • Review and update your resume

ur resume is a living document that should be reviewed and updated regularly. Keep your experience, skills and education up to date, and adapt your resume to new jobs or career goals as needed.

By taking these extra steps and taking a holistic approach to your job search, you'll increase your chances of finding the ideal job and advancing your career. Remember that success often takes time and patience, but with a compelling application, a strong online presence, and an engaged network, you'll be well on your way to achieving your professional goals.


A good resume is critical to being successful in the job application process. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can create an engaging, professional, and targeted resume that will greatly increase your chances of being invited to interview. Remember that the resume should always be tailored to the specific job and company, focusing on your personal strengths, experiences and goals. With a well-thought-out and optimized resume, you'll be well on your way to finding your dream job and advancing your career.

In this three-part article, we've covered the basics of resume writing, different resume formats and styles, and tips for optimizing your resume for a higher success rate. The key to a successful resume is to carefully present your experience, skills, and goals, as well as tailor it to the needs of the company and the position you are seeking. Take the time to revise, tweak and tailor your resume to the job - it will be worth it when you receive the invitation to interview.