Our AI platform agent.ai 

Virtual agents

Our agenten.ai combines advanced AI and machine learning of our virtual agents. This enables not only targeted customer conversions, but also optimized customer advice, first-class service and generation of new content by generative agents. The potential for creative AI solutions is enormous. agenten.ai offers a comprehensive solution that adds value in sales, service and internal processes alike by improving interactions and reducing costs. With the help of our internal team, rapid implementation and individual optimization take place.

The question is which solutions will bring your company the greatest benefit. Start with our Discovery Workshop and get your first application ideas in just a few days.

Our promise

Our platform agenten.ai attaches great importance to security and data protection. Data is handledstrictly according to the guidelines of the DSGVO and GDPR. You can trust that all data is hosted with the highest security on German servers and your data integrity is always guaranteed. Our dialog-based agent responds exclusively based on the trained, company-specific content. This means hallucinations - unexpected or irrelevant answers that are not based on the trained data material - are completely excluded.

You can rely on our agent to always respond quickly, accurately and reliably within the scope of the specified content. We guarantee a very short response time for dialog-based applications - even for larger data volumes .For our customers, including German law firms and ministries, data security as well as fast, correct and precise responses are essential. agenten.ai meets these high standards.

"Get started with our Discovery Workshop and get your first application ideas."

agentVISION - Discovery workshop for companies

Shaping the future: Discover the transformative power of custom AI agents for your business

  • We offer you a workshop to discover the AI world. Together we pave the way for successful AI applications in your company!

    What you can expect:

    1. insight into the current AI trend: Where do we stand? What opportunities and challenges does AI bring?

    2. How do conversational and generative AI agents work?

       - Fundamentals of AI and Machine Learning.

       - Functionality and advantages of virtual agents in the business environment.

    3. capabilities of conversational and generative AI agents:

    - E-commerce & Service Agent: Automated customer service and sales support.

       - Consulting agent: Individual customer consulting and specialized information.

       - Employee training & HR agent: training and HR support.

       - Generative agent: autonomous generation of new content based on learned data and specifications.

    4. brainstorming for company-specific agent ideas:

       - Analysis of the current business model and customer interaction.

       - Discuss potential use cases for Virtual Agents in the enterprise.

       - Collection and prioritization of ideas.

    5. conclusion and next steps:

       - Summary of points and ideas discussed.

       - Discuss the implementation and rollout of the agent.

       - Arrange follow-up appointments and further steps.

Interested in the workshop? Contact us:

Talk to us about it!

Arrange a free demonstration directly, just write to us by WhatsAPP or email.